Alternators & Starters
Alternators and Starters in Calgary
Alternators and Starters are one of the most important parts of your vehicle. Alternators convert energy from your engine into the electricity your vehicle needs to power accessories and charge the battery, and a starter helps you initiate the engine of your vehicle under its own power. When you are looking for a company that specializes in the repair, rebuild and replacement of alternators and starters in Calgary, Alternator & Starter Depot Ltd., is the name you can rely on. Request your free estimate today.
For large equipment, the alternator is the major source of electricity. If you want to keep your alternator in optimum condition, we are here to help you. Bring your equipment or vehicle to us when you notice any of the issues listed below:
Slow starts
Dead electrical equipment
Flickering gauges or dash lights
Dead battery
Dimmed headlights
Whining and growling engine noises
Burnt rubber smell from your engine

Range of Alternators We Stock:
50 DN oil-cooled alternators
6, 12, 24, 32 volt units for industrial applications
50-amp one-wire hookups
Powder-coated alternators
Our Alternator Services Also Include:
Rebuilding alternators and starters for antique cars
Converting from positive to negative ground
Bypassing voltage regulator from PCM (self-exciting)
Converting 6, 12, 24, 32 volt for any units
Converting to one-wire hookup (self-exciting)
High amps at idle
A starter plays a major role in igniting the engine of your vehicle on its own. Even though your car may fire up in the morning, you may still have a bad starter. We offer rebuilds, replacements and specialized services for every type of starter motor. For large equipment, snowploughs and motorcycles, we have the tools and experience to diagnose and solve starter problems. Bring your car or truck to us for a diagnostic test if you notice any of the following issues when you start your vehicle:
No response or clicking noise when turning the key
Slow cranking when you have a good battery
Grinding or whining motor noise
Our Specialized Starter Motor Services Include:
Rotating electrical starters
Air pressure starters
Starters for antique cars

Our Additional Services Include:
6, 12, 24, 32 volt conversions for any units
Air pressure starters
Rotating electrical starters
Starters for antique cars
Torque upgrades